At Rutherford Bible Chapel we believe that one of the best ways to grow is to be in community with others. The way we accomplish this is by meeting during the week in smaller groups. In these Arise groups, we look to the Bible for wisdom, we spend time together in prayer for one another, and we grow deeper in relationship with one another and Christ. We encourage you to join a group if you are looking for a place to be in community with others. Information about our current groups can be found in our e-bulletin, please be sure to sign up!
We desire to build a community that understands core is at the heart of a church with people that desire to grow.
Monthly Prayer Meetings
Church Community Prayer Sheet
Prayer partners on Sundays
Love, Pray, Eat: As a church one of our goals and priorities for the next several years is to pray more, both as individuals, and together as a church. One Sunday a month we meet for either breakfast or lunch and then pray together. Monthly sign up sheets are passed around on Sunday mornings so we can prepare for our meal and childcare. We'd love to have you join us!
Connect and Grow Together
Overcomers Grief Support Group meets once a month. We all share a common bond in losing a loved one. Some get past the deep hurt faster than others, thus allowing each person the time to process and grieve properly. We share, we cry, we laugh and we pray. There are songs that encourage us to allow God to fill the holes that death leaves, and He has filled many with the Love that only God provides. Our group will be resuming our meeting this fall, October 11th, and going right up to the month of May.
Throughout the year we offer small group for married couples and marriage enrichment materials to foster strong marriages.
Overcomers Grief Support Group
Marriage Enrichment

Women's Gathering
One Thursday evening a month the women of RBC have the joy and opportunity to come together in one another's home for a time of reflecting on God's plan for us. We are dedicated to keeping in touch and the idea that we rotate the host home gives us an opportunity to get to use our gifts of hospitality and encouragement. We are currently using a book that kicks off the themes and gives us the verses that God uses to encourage us on our journey to a deeper walk with Him and a more honest walk with each other.

Arise Groups
Connection Through:
We are proud that each year we offer ways for our community to connect with one another. Breaking our routine is sometimes just what we need! We are intentional about coordinating annual retreats:
Men's Retreats (Fall)
Women's Retreats (Spring)
Family Retreat (Summer)