Leadership at RBC


It's a blessing to serve and lead our church family at Rutherford Bible Chapel. We are invested in the calling of loving the beautiful, diverse and complex neighbors that make up our home, unto Christ. RBC is our family and together we share the same vision and passion for our community. We want to see Christ formed in everyone, and believe fullness of life can be experienced only in Jesus.We strive, as best we can, to reflect this calling.


We are elected by the congregation for a three year term at the Annual Business Meeting as required by the State of New Jersey. As trustees, we are responsible for the upkeep of the building and grounds. We work together with the church treasurer to maintain fiscal responsibilities for the corporation. Any major legal matter or expenditure needs the approval of the Elders. The Trustees serve under the direction of the Elders.

The Deacons of RBC have come to understand the role of deaconship as more than just carrying out good deeds or providing a means for others to carry them out. The main objective is to lead the assembly at RBC to be a "light" in this world in every way possible through an honoring and loving heart compelled by Christ and not through mere effort or duty. We encourage you to contact the Deacons for any needs or support you may need.


Our Leadership

Heather Seetaram
Church Administrator


Elizabeth Rynd
Youth Director


Gerard DeMatteo